So Far, Yet So Close
In our project, French, Czechia, Turkish partners and students worked together. The main goal of our project was to allow our pupils to practice English and discover new cultures by collaborating and communicating with their peers from other countries. Our students used technology actively during the project. For example, they searched for new information on the internet, they designed a poster/ logo, they created an avatar, they communicated with their peers etc.
Our students were in the center of our project. They worked in small groups both with their own classmates and with their peers from other countries. The teachers guided the students about what was expected at the end of the tasks and introduced them to what tools they could use. The students were in charge of choosing what topics they wanted to work on or what web 2.0 tools or technology they wanted to use.
We had fun activities which both the teachers and the students enjoyed.
Here are some examples from our project's activities.
Task 1
As an icebreaker activity, each pupil made his / her description (identity, physical appearance, hobbies) by recording and they prepared posters for their descriptions.
Matching exercise: Other pupils from different countries listened to their peers’ audios and matched them with the corresponding posters.
You can find activities on the links below.
Turkish students works
Czechia students works
French students works
Students listened to the recordings and matched them with the posters. The students wrote their guesses on the threads created on the forum. They communicated with their peers about their guesses.
Task 2
French and Turkish pupils prepared some posters and logos for our project.
After our students created posters and logos, a poll was taken by all the members of the project. The participants chose the poster and the logo they liked the most. As a result, the poster and the logo were chosen to represent our project.
Our Winner Logo
As a result of 60 participants' votes, the logo above was chosen with 16 votes to represent our project.
Our Winner Poster
As a result of 37 participants' votes, the poster above was chosen with 15 votes to represent our project .
Our Czechia colleague, Michal, brought up a great idea to increase the interaction and communication between the students.
We created international teams which involved 4-5 students from different countries. Each team chose a certain topic they wanted to work on. The pupils exchanged information by communicating on the forum. Each country produced recordings about their lives and the other teams turned the recordings into presentations, posters as outcomes.
Topics and outcomes of this activity:
Our Country :
Our School:
Family Life:
French and Turkish students prepared some videos and posters to introduce their traditional food/ school / buildings or
monuments or places of interests / celebrities depending on the topics our
pupils chose.
Turkish students wanted to introduce their country starting with their great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in Salonica in 1881. He had a successful educational life.He was a successful soldier in World War I. Atatürk went to Samsun and he started the national struggle in 19 may 1919. Thanks to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his friends, Turkish people won the War of Independence. He founded the Republic of Turkey ,a democratic secular country. He made lots of great revolutions.. For example, Turkish women won the right to vote and to be elected earlier than most of European countries thanks to his revolutions. Some of his principles are democracy, secularism, equality for women, freedom of religion, free education etc. Without Atatürk, there would be no modern Turkish Republic.
Although Mustafa Kemal Atatürk died in 1938, his love in Turkish people’s hearts has never ended and will never end. This is why you can see his statues and pictures everywhere when you visit Turkey.
“Peace at Home, Peace in the World” Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Trabzon is the city where Turkish pupils live. It is located in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. It is famous for its nature, mountains, forest, plateaus.
Mimar Sinan Secondary School
Turkish Cuisine
Here are some examples from some traditional Turkish foods.
Some Turkish Traditions
Some Famous People and Celebrities
French pupils have prepared some presentations about what life is like in France.
French traditions
Vigneux sur Seine
Vigneux sur Seine, is 15 kilometers away from Paris. Lucie made a video to show you their school, a really big park "Le Port aux Cerises" where you can make plenty of activities like skating, running, horse riding, tree climbing,..., as well as the market and other places.
French cuisine
Here is the full recipe of a very French dish: beef bourguignon. Do you want to cook it?
Henri Wallon secondary school in Vigneux sur Seine
Famous People
Aissé wanted to speak about Dadju, one of her favorite singers.
Dadju ,a famous singer
Dadju Djuna Nsungula is a very famous singer. He was born in 1991 in France. He has already released 2 albums solo : “gentleman 2.0” and “poison ou antidote” (poison or antidote) and one in a group “the Shin Sekai indéfini”(indefinite).
In 2017 Dadju released this song: “reine” (Queen): you can easily find it on youtube
Dadju won 3 NRJ awards and an Award for being the ‘French revelation” in 2018, Best male Artist in 2020…
If you want to discover more songs, search on youtube for “Sans theme”, “Melegim” , “Amour toxique”
French celebrities who went down in history
Emma chose to write an article about very famous French people .
You know Paris, don't you? Here is an article made by Marie and some interesting facts about France's capital city.
After discovering the information given by the other class, our pupils shared their ideas on the forum for the most important elements.
Czech students have made a few recordings and pictures about what they
think homes will look like in the future. You can find them on the
padlet below.
Turkish and French pupils shared their ideas on the forum about the discussion questions below.
"And what about you? What do you think our lives will be like in the future? Are you optimistic? Or are you worried about the environment, climate change, extreme weather effects, robot apocalypse?"
During the project students made lots of posters, videos, voice recordings and researches. They also participated the discussion threads actively.
To see if we achived the goals of our project, a poll was prepared for students in this project.
As a result of our survey, it is great to see that our project has reached its aims.
-Our students have learnt different kinds of web 2 tools and etiquette rules.
-They have improved their English by communicating with students from different countries and preparing posters, videos etc. in English.
-They have learned about different cultures and this helps them create a positive view of other cultures.
Word Cloud
Turkish pupils have created a word cloud to express their impressions about the project.
Final discussion thread was created for students to say goodbye to their friends.
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